Saturday, 9 February 2013


Mission One complete....flight done, survived the taxi ride and found the hostel.......snuggled up in our bunks in our 12 bed dorm with the air con sounding like the plane we had just left.

Mission Two - Find the hotel where we needed to pick up our Rio carnival tickets from. Having meticulously studied the map in the hostel reception and making notes of directions and road names we left feeling pretty confident it would be an easy walk. 10 minutes later having no idea where the road we wanted was, it was back to the hostel the meticulously study the map once more. Out major downfall had been Jack marking an x on the map where the hostel was....and this being in the wrong place so we had walked the wrong way down the street! I'm doing the map reading from now on.

First impressions of our walk through smells quite strongly of wee, there are people in the streets everywhere partying in fancy dress and it's hot! I have to admit I am quite impressed that Jack has managed to contain his sweat patches.

Mission Two was completed pretty hassle free and we are now proud owners of two carnival tickets for tomorrow night. By the time we walked back to the hostel the heat had got me....nothing a can of coke couldn't sort out.

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